Saturday, June 20, 2009


Hey Everyone! Thanks for surfing to my blog. I’ve been writing sports articles for quite some time and hope you enjoy my work here at …EPIPHANY… I will surely keep you posted if and when I blog about new topics. Cheers!

How I Got My Blog Name

My framework is my constant flow of emotion, analysis, and intrigue. I find it so predictable that when people find out I’m a singer, they ask me to sing on the spot. Well, I prepare myself to write on the spot too because writers oftentimes have a small window of opportunity, with limited time and unlimited thoughts.

However, I don’t like to force my writing. My thoughts often come to me randomly, especially for topics that I originate. When I respond to others’ articles, I need something witty to say. That is my prerequisite. Forced writing reminds me of standardized tests.

I get a bit annoyed when quarterbacks try to force a pass in between 5 linemen, hoping it gets through to their receiver. Likewise, I won’t force my thoughts in hopes to get through to you. I’d rather make a good pass and throw an incompletion than force a pass and throw an interception. In other words, I’d rather publish a piece that I feel is of high quality than just submit a rough draft and have someone else steal my random ideas and make something of them.

So, I write when I have an …EPIPHANY… It’s not just one idea that hits me. It’s never just one idea. It’s like a table tennis match back and forth in my brain, ideas bouncing off each other and my endless urge to write before I lose my ideas. We all know how that goes…

How I Got My Pen Name

Well, those of you who know me well might ask why I didn’t go with my AOL screenname and e-mail account, vishaldeschai, which seems to have stuck with me for the past few years. I got vishaldeschai from my name, of course, and my acappella group from college, Chai-Town, which basically originated from a group of guys singing during your daily “Chai” (or coffee) break. Well, I wanted to take a step away from that because although you may be reading this during your break, I wrote this during my epiphany.

I wanted my name to look cool, and I felt Vis Des was a unique, interesting way to shorten my name. And it is easy to say. But it felt like something was missing. I love how words with three or more syllables just tend to sound cool. Really, it didn’t take long to get Maximus. In fact, that was the first thought that came to my head (epiphany, right?), because it just went with the flow of Vis Des. They all end in ‘s’ and it sounds smooth.

Why Maximus? Well, I was watching Kobe on The Late Night Show with Conan O’Brian and he explained how he really worked hard to “maximize” every moment he had from post-Olympics 2008 to NBA Championship and Finals MVP 2009 to reach that level and earn that 4th championship ring. I’ve always been a Kobe fan, and I can definitely learn from the man who wakes up at 5:00 am to hit the weight room instead of snoozing my cell phone 5 times and half-sleeping away another precious hour of my life.

So I researched Maximus, whom I knew was a historic warrior of some sort. Turns out he was a Roman gladiator who, surprise surprise, wrote love letters to his wife while he was away on the battlefield, away from his wife and child. Eventually, he found out his family had been slain and he revamped himself to seek revenge until his ultimate death. I think his glory solidified my decision on going with Maximus. The fact that he “wrote” was just an affirmation that awesome people like you might read my blog.

How I Got You To Read This

Good question. Persistence? Inspiration? You have nothing better to do? Well hey, I’ll take it. But I’d definitely like to give a shout out to my friend, Vikas Chokshi, better known as DOCKSQUAD in the world of blog. Check out his work at VC hooked me up with some great inside tips to blogging. Hopefully, I can pass down the wisdom to aspiring writers like me.

Ok, time for me to go meditate. Just kidding, but how cool would that be to have your Zen Master head coach command you to imagine that you’re a frog on a lillypad? Hey, Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant have done it. Props to PJ on his 10th championship ring.